a genuine passion for people
Church near me? Is that what you are looking for? We are a LIFE church, a church in Walsall, UK. We bring hope to the hopeless, strength to the weak, healing to the brokenhearted through the love of God and the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. God is changing lives and empowering people. Come and worship with us together we can make a difference.
Dive in and join one of our small groups
We have various small groups within the church.
It is in small groups that we get to know each other better.
Men's Fellowship
We discuss all men issues and men's role and purpose in the Kingdom
Ladies Fellowship
We hold regular meetings for all ladies as we unpack our identity in Christ.
Youth & Young Adults
We empower the young generation to become who Christ is calling them to be.
Kids Church
We teach kids about the love of God expressed in Jesus Christ.
Praise & Worship
We meet and worship together as we also prepare to lead Sunday worship.
Home Groups
We meet in small groups to have bible study and fellowship during the week.
These are some messages preached at Life Christian Centre. They will ground you in some of the most basic Christian principles ensuring your Christian growth.
The bible
We believe the bible is the inspired and incorruptible word of God. In it we find our identity and purpose.
The first section of the bible
The second section of the bible
The total number of the books in the bible
Christianity is about the gospel, the word of God. The word gospel means good news. In a world that is increasingly darkened by bad news, the gospel is available to shine a bright light to those who believe.
The word of God looses us from all kinds of bondage – sickness, sadness, depression, anxiety, sin and more. As a believer you will experience joy inexplicable even in the most uncertain of times.
This joy stems solely from our relationship with Jesus Christ, not because of what we have done or are doing for him but because of what He has already done for us.
When fear threatens, trusting in Jesus brings hope and confidence. Romans 8:37-39 (NKJV) says 37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
If you live near us, we are a church in Walsall, UK you can visit us anytime else if you search, church near me on google you will find one.